To Read List

Shana 's to-read book montage

Once in a Full Moon
Last Sacrifice
Darkest Mercy
Radiant Shadows
Fragile Eternity
Beautiful Creatures
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella
Clockwork Angel
Glass Houses
The Host
Enna Burning
Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception
The Dark Divine

Shana 's favorite books »



Blog News!

It is now the month of August and well that well awaited break I was hoping for so I could catch up on some reading and writing has not presented itself thus far so ...I have not posted in a while. On a happy note MAD HATTER HAS BEEN LOCATED and is now becoming an active co blogger again YES!!!!! For those of you who were wondering what my little womb raider is....*drum roll*...*pause for dramatic effect*...ITS A GIRL! and she is due any day now. Thank you all for hanging in with me through this dry time I look forward to getting back in the saddle.

Happy Reading and Writing!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

This movie had some major "cover my eyes cause I'm a chicken" moments but life changing i think not. A friend of mine who watched this movie with me pointed out that the tapes at the beginning of the movie were labeled through a couple more years leaving room for them to make another movie if they so choose....but how much more can ya do? Do i think this one has been beaten to death? Yes, but i do think that out of all of them this one was the best. That may not be saying much considering I wasn't crazy about the other ones. I do have to give it to them though the movie is CREEPY to say the least. If you like a good scare here and there i would recommend this movie. I would not recommend for small children and some teens...unless you like being mobbed by bed hogs in the middle of the night.

Change Up

What to say about this movie...I thought it was vulgar with small (and i do mean small) burst of actually funny comedy. This movie was in no way intended for children or teens and well i am not altogether sure i would take some adults to see it. The funniest scenes of the movie can be viewed in the trailer and even then they had to edit them slightly to be viewed on national T.V. Over all i would not recommend this movie to anyone.
Porn, Strong language, immorality rampant...I'm not sure this one even has a redeeming quality to it.

What are your thoughts????

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I have to say I was not that impressed with the movie. It was not as funny as the previews lead you to believe it is. I thought there were plenty of room for a more comedy and honestly what funny peices they did have kinda fell flat. Adult humor is scattered through out so parental descrestion is wise. Some violence and language through out. No sex scenes but there was some mild sexual humor. I would say this is like Dr. Dolittle or Furry Vengence for adults mainly because the whole plot of the movie may be lost on younger viewers and may at times bore them to sleep. I say go see it form your own thoughts and report back here with your thoughts :)

Happy Movie Watching.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Glass (Crank 2)

Glass by Ellen  Hopkins
How do you review this book with out giving something away? Once again we are following Kristina/Bree through her walk with the monster. Her choices, her love, her loss. This book was beautifully written it doesn't glorify the drug instead it sheds light on the destruction it causes even when the user may think they have it under control. You as the reader can see the downward spiral and yet you feel for the character, you want to like Kristina you hope with every turn of the page that she will make a better choice, the right choice. Does she ever? I like that the characters are hard to peg, are they upfront with who they say they are and what they do or are they just playing a part to get what they want? Just like in real life, just like in Bree's world you never really know what someone else is thinking.
I would recommend this book to older teens. The series so far has had some mature content but it has been tastful and fully in context.
This book (as the other in the series) is written in free verse. Mild sexual content, strong drug content, strong language is used through out the book.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Crank (Book 1)

Crank (Crank, #1)
I had to start this one over because i never quite made it to the end. I love the lyrical style the book is written in and i think it shows the slow fade into addiction after all no one starts doing drugs with the intention of becoming addicted. Ellen Hopkins is a genius writer.
I would recommend these books to older teens and adults. I would be cautious and make sure teens know that these are very real dangers. While the main character talks of how good these drugs are making her feel us as the reader can see the spiral non the less as someone who has never done the drugs in questions and would never try i was intrigued that something could make you react the way she reacts to it.

Reading books 2

Friday, June 3, 2011


I groaned when I heard they were making another Fast and the Furious after all i did not watch past the 1st one because...well, how much more could they possibly do. Well after watching the 5th one in the theater i am pretty sure there will be a 6th. All i have to say is STAY AFTER THE END CREDITS you will be glad you did. Those who did not email me lol.

Action: There were tons of action packed sense, of course, hardly any that are plausible, still enjoyable to watch.
Violence: This movie is full of it. Shooting, Fighting, Car crashing violence.
SEX: NONE, i was HAPPY to watch this movie and there were no sex scenes. Yes, there were half naked car show hussies, but the creators relied mostly on their acting, diaologue, and actions scenes. Good call guys.
I have heard from many sources that this is the BEST one. I can't give you my thoughts on that because i have not seen the others so you know what i am doing tomorrow.

The Vampires Bride (Atlantis Series) By Gena Showalter

The Vampire's Bride by Gena Showalter

AGAIN Strong sexual content however the need, the devotion, the pull towards there mates, toward that one person they will forever be with, never turning to another. hmmm yeah wow. I maybe losing interest in this series but i have to say showalter knows how to write a man a women will turn to mush for lol.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Dead on Town Line by Leslie ConnorThis book was fun to read in its lyrical format. While the subject is sad and scary real at times it was a quick read. Tis book could serve as a precautionary tale of beware you never really know someone. I look forward to reading more in this format. From this author.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

I watched this movie in 3D. I have to say I love the characters created in this movie series. Jack Sparrow is epic. Logical Fallacy is beyond entertaining. Advice i have for you who have yet to watch is...Stay past the end credits. I found out that pirate movies have clips at the end. Mermaids, Black-beard, Love, Hate and all the fun thats in between go see this movie.
Recommended for 12 and up i would be careful bringing a child any younger for the simple fact that there are some enuendo through out the movie that may not be suitable for younger viewers ...viewer discretion is ...NAH not gonna go there lol. 
Happy Movie Watching 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prom, I Am Number Four, Insidious

This movie was adorable. I took my 11yr old to see it. I would recommend this to her age group and above. Great mother, daughter movie. Some great little lessons were thrown in there that i could later expand on. I would give this 8 Fingers out of 10.

I mixed on this movie. While i would probably go see the sequel i am not sure if this was a movie i would want to see again. I loved both female characters and the supporting male character but something was lacking in this movie. Maybe it was my loathing for all things ET. (k loathing is to strong a word) 6 out of 10 fingers

WoW, My hubby even jumped at certain spots of the movie. While as the ending drew near it was obvious how it was going to play out the movie still held a very freaky quality. While the plot is not completely orig. and i would never watch it again (mainly because i am a chicken) I would recommend this to adults who like supernatural freaky movies. 6 thumbs out of 10. Absolutely not a recommended for children under 13 I am not sure i would even let my 13yr old watch it. But they kept it clean no sex which is refreshing.

Priest 3D

I would in no way recommend this movie to anyone. DON'T waste your money seeing this in theaters and if you so decide to don't waste it watching it in 3D. Predictable and well not really entertaining, and thats not just the women in me talking my hubby has agreed that there were some good effects but the story line was lacking. The actors well some of them were not that bad, however the dude who played James in Twilight so did not fit the part he played. ( No i don't know his name, No i don't care to find out what it is.) i give this movie a 3 out of 10 toes :) (stars are to common)

Return To Labyrinth Vol 3

Return to Labyrinth, Vol. 3   I can not call this a is to judgmental a word so in my thoughts i say WHY DID THEY NOT MAKE A MOVIE SEQUEL! Must read if you like the labyrinth.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Return to Labyrinth, Vol. 2

Who wouldn't love revisiting the Labyrinth. While at times i was confused by the story line and how things were connected why Jareth did what he did and what the heck did he ask the water queen to do....Don't worry all of these will be answered in the third book. The art was beautiful and i have to say i love the drawing of Moppet and the depiction of Jareth. My favorite character so far though is Skub...gotta love Skub. This book was a fun easy read that didn't take much brain power or emotional involvement but kept you wanting to read.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Twilight The Graphic Novel Vol/ 1

Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (Hardcover) by Stephenie MeyerFan or not you have to admire the artwork in the graphic novel version of Twilight. I love how they sprinkled in some color to really bring the picture to life. The art work for Bella and Edward is remarkable. I would not have enjoyed this edition as much if this was what had come out first. I am to big on back story and detail. Both of which Stephenie Meyer is not missing in her writing.
Warning kiddo's if your expecting this to be from begining to end of the first book your gonna be in for a suprise because the graphic novel doesn't span the full 1st book. All and all i give it 5 thumbs out of 10 lol
Recommended for teen to adults. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I just watched Sanctum in 3D. To be honest i know it would have lost my interest about the first 3 minutes in. The dialog consisted of a lot of colorful words that were saying very little. Come on who wrote that. Get past the f word and the other cuss words and use real words. Aside from that as the story went on it caught my attention mainly because it harbors two fears of mine tiny confined rocked in no way out cave spaces and water...water set with tiny cavern spaces. The movie progressed and i found myself gasping or jumping in a thrill of suspense. Go see 3D is so much more interesting.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Stolen: A letter to my captorI am speechless about this book. A part of you knows what right and what normal sane people should act like but reading this book from the POV of the girl that was kidnapped makes you seriously see  how Stockholm syndrome works. Am I the only one that feels for the capturer? I may need therapy after this book lol. Its an awesome read!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Post Apocalyptic world

 Post Apocalyptic event occurs u find a small group of people on ur way to search for survivors what is ur place in the group what role do u play and what skills do you posses?

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Strange Power (Dark Vision BK 1)

The Strange Power (Dark Visions, #1)Young Kaitlin is given an offer she can't refuse to take part in an experiment with 4 strangers with similar gifts. 
This book was very interesting the whole cover part of not all vampires are out for blood confused me but when it got toward the middle of the book it explained what that saying meant and i have to admit it was very clever on the authors part. The relationship between the 5 people in this book is both delightful to read and interesting to decipher. I would recommend this book to teens. There is mild language.

This book has been rebound into an omnibus all 3 stories in one.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Return To Labyrinth

Return to Labyrinth, Vol. 1Sarah makes it home with her baby brother Toby the Labyrinth and all its strange inhabitants forgotten That is until Toby Returns to the Labyrinth.Quick read that leaves you guessing. Like in the start why did the thing that was watching out for Toby say "you are no longer Jareth to me Jareth" to Toby? While the outline of the plot is predictable there are some fun new characters that leave you wanting to know more about them and some old ones that you know and love make an appearance  I look forward to the second book.

Books to Big Screen

I have recently heard that they are making some movies out of our beloved series. The first:
Wicked LovelyThe Wicked Lovely Series.All teenagers have problems, but few of them can match those of Aislinn, who has the power to see faeries. Quite understandably, she wishes that she could share her friends' obliviousness and tries hard to avoid these invisible intruders. But one faery in particular refuses to leave her alone. Keenan the Summer King is convinced beyond all reasoning that Aislinn is the queen he has been seeking for nine centuries. What's a 21st-century girl to do when she's stalked by a suitor nobody else can see? A debut fantasy romance for the ages; superlative summer read.

the cold. 
Grace has spent years watching the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—watches back. He feels deeply familiar to her, but she doesn't know why. 

the heat. 
Sam has lived two lives. As a wolf, he keeps the silent company of the girl he loves. And then, for a short time each year, he is human, never daring to talk to Grace...until now. 

the shiver. 
For Grace and Sam, love has always been kept at a distance. But once it's spoken, it cannot be denied. Sam must fight to stay human—and Grace must fight to keep him—even if it means taking on the scars of the past, the fragility of the present, and the impossibility of the future.

FirelightA hidden truth.
Mortal enemies.
Doomed love.
Marked as special at an early age, Jacinda knows her every move is watched. But she longs for freedom to make her own choices. When she breaks the most sacred tenet among her kind, she nearly pays with her life. Until a beautiful stranger saves her. A stranger who was sent to hunt those like her. For Jacinda is a draki—a descendant of dragons whose greatest defense is her secret ability to shift into human form.
Forced to flee into the mortal world with her family, Jacinda struggles to adapt to her new surroundings. The only bright light is Will. Gorgeous, elusive Will who stirs her inner draki to life. Although she is irresistibly drawn to him, Jacinda knows Will's dark secret: He and his family are hunters. She should avoid him at all costs. But her inner draki is slowly slipping away—if it dies she will be left as a human forever. She'll do anything to prevent that. Even if it means getting closer to her most dangerous enemy.
Mythical powers and breathtaking romance ignite in this story of a girl who defies all expectations and whose love crosses an ancient divide.  (these are back matter and not written by me)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nymph King (atlantis series)

The Nymph King (Atlantis, #3) by Gena ShowalterShaye is you typical love sucks men suck more kind of person. When she meets these macho socially inept sexually charged mega men she is utterly repulsed. Carried away to there strange world she is forced to live amoung these beings.
Shay is a delightful character the banter and the tension of will they or won't they is alot of fun to read. I admit i blushed through alot of the book. I would NOT recommend this to anyone under the age of 18 due to sexually explicit material.


Crave (Crave, #1) by Melinda MetzI really liked this book. It kept you guessing on what was going to happen next and the end leaves you craving more.
Young girl with a blood disorder is receiving blood transfusions. When she begins seeing visions and possessing super human (which to everyone else is just normal) abilities like running at average speed or being able to swim she starts craving the blood she is receiving and the boy she is seeing/being in her visions more and more.
I would recommend this read for teens and adults alike.

Darkest Mercy

Darkest MercyWhat a way to end a series. This book grips you and takes you on a thrill ride through the world of Fairie. Expect the unexpected and in some cases the expected. The only thing that I think needs to be done to this book, and well this goes for the whole series, I think they should have added an index in the back of who is who and what Court they belong to. While some of this series could stand alone with reading it is recommended to read these books in the order they are put out...tsk tsk no skipping ahead. I would recommend this book to teens and adults alike.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Darkest Mercy

Reviewing Melissa Marr's Darkets Mercy! The last in the Wicked Lovely Series.

Jewel Of Atlantis

Jewel of AtlantisI liked the story line of this book while graphic in some areas the storyline was every girls fantasy. Its your basic knight in shining armor who doesn't realize he's your knight until...well read the book.
While you suspect and then its comfirmed early on who Jewel is it is no less entertaining to see how Gray will react to who she is. Will he love her will he leave her? I thought i had it pegged but i was proven wrong. Its always nice when there is a twist.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Idrakula by Bekka Black

iDrakula (Paperback) by Bekka BlackThis was a modern take on the classic Dracula, i suppose you would have to have read the classic Dracula (or at least seen the movie which is now at the top of my list) to fully get this book and its brillance. I absolutly love the format of iDrakula it makes you feel like you were ease dropping on someones private conversation. Reading things in short spirts has its high points and low points. Visually it is stimulating but not very good for back ground information or detail. Don't take my word for it read it!!! I received the uncorrected proof of this book so maybe there is something i missed in final edits however the book was still alright and wonderful if you looking for a quick read that doesn't involve much brain power (at least until you read an autopsy report get your dictionary for that one if you not medically inclined) however you still get the gist.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Moon

New MoonI was bummed the whole time reading this. How stupid. I introduce you to this mystical world and then i leave you defensless because its "better for you" blah lol okay okay i'm just bitter. While i can't say i am a team Jacob or Team Edward i will say that Steph Meyer's writing is both compelling and emotion provoking