To Read List

Shana 's to-read book montage

Once in a Full Moon
Last Sacrifice
Darkest Mercy
Radiant Shadows
Fragile Eternity
Beautiful Creatures
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella
Clockwork Angel
Glass Houses
The Host
Enna Burning
Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception
The Dark Divine

Shana 's favorite books »



Blog News!

It is now the month of August and well that well awaited break I was hoping for so I could catch up on some reading and writing has not presented itself thus far so ...I have not posted in a while. On a happy note MAD HATTER HAS BEEN LOCATED and is now becoming an active co blogger again YES!!!!! For those of you who were wondering what my little womb raider is....*drum roll*...*pause for dramatic effect*...ITS A GIRL! and she is due any day now. Thank you all for hanging in with me through this dry time I look forward to getting back in the saddle.

Happy Reading and Writing!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Crave (Crave, #1) by Melinda MetzI really liked this book. It kept you guessing on what was going to happen next and the end leaves you craving more.
Young girl with a blood disorder is receiving blood transfusions. When she begins seeing visions and possessing super human (which to everyone else is just normal) abilities like running at average speed or being able to swim she starts craving the blood she is receiving and the boy she is seeing/being in her visions more and more.
I would recommend this read for teens and adults alike.

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